We, The Mages' Guild are an association for the promotion of social activities related to Role Playing Games of all shapes and sizes. Whether you are a pen and paper adventurer, a war-games expert, or an old TBA master, you will find that The Guild will help you network with more people that share your interests. The Mages' Guild is a Not-For-Profit technocratic, fraternal organisation dedicated to science-fiction, fntasy, and RPG authors, enthusiasts, clntributing writers and editore, copy editors, layout editors, and collaborators. We work in harmony to develop new ideas, games, settings and literature, and all memberships are both technocrating and fraternal!
All funds that we receive in tghe forms of dues and donations are used for the followibng two functions: Not one cent/pence derived from either dues, or from donations goes to pay any salaries, or any of the Guild Counsel or its members, except in financial aid when needed to assist them in completing projects, from whivh The Guild earns revenue. Therefore, we turn such income back over to authors in need.
Joining The Mages' Guild Please see our Tiers of Membership Page for further details. Note that the 'perks' of being a member apply only to full-time members. You may also earn a full-time membership via effort in supporting our mission, and all other advancement is based on participation: You cannot merely but a higher standing (tier) than other members. Furthermore, such promotions are both governed by your continual assistance, and your level of committment to the Guild. All full-time members receive rewards and benefits defined in our Member Benefits Page. Furthermore, there are many offices defined on the Tiers of Membership Page: These require that you are a full member (in good standing) and that you can demonstrate your ability (and available time) to conuct the businss associated with that office or postion. If you are interested in filling any of our vacancies, please do not hesitate to contact us. The Mages' Guild has members from around the world, and thus, we welcome new members from anywjere, despite their ability to participate in local activities. We dully pwrmit and encourage members in other locations to help us start a local chapter. Official (Revised) Charter, which is a work-in-progress, at any time. Please bear with us as the internal counsel irons out the newest charter, before ratification. Our goal is to gain a US 501(c)3 status by the July 2014. Should you have questions, or need assistance, please join our BBS, and Forums to discuss them. Joining is absolutely free, and if you cannot afford dues, we are happy to work out an exchange to cover them if you are willing to aid our other members. We will do the same for you! Beyond this, we offer cooperatve assistamce on your literary projects. The Guild hosts many events throughout the month, that you may view on our Basic Roster, or by viewing Our Events Roster on the BBS, including (not certainly not limited to) all of the following:
Systems in Development
In addition to this, several of our members are working on novels, and we provide gem full support in this endeavour.
Always remember that we have our own BBS, which includes a forum, a chat service, and other things that may interest you, for on-line discussions as well as monthly meetings, gaming sessions and other special activities. Please view the Events section for more information or to view our schedule(s). During these, you can expect at least one or two active P&P games, plus a healthy plethora of social fun, and maybe some door prizes too!
If you are looking for a game that you can join, or wish to contact our leaders, please view the list of Guild contacts. For more information on our organizational structures, please view the list of Guild ranks and ratings.
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